Installing from Live CD is the new black?

Bruno Wolff III bruno at
Sun Dec 14 16:13:46 UTC 2008

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 00:43:56 -0600,
  Arthur Pemberton <pemboa at> wrote:
> Are there any up to date instructions on this? Wouldn't mind spinning
> my own KDE Live USB

Be aware that you may tweak the provided kickstart files with some
unexpected things. With updates and updates-testing enabled I found
that using fedora-live-base.ks didn't bring in a display manager.
For the time being I added gdm to kickstart file I am working with.
I have also been finding this is a good way to find packages that don't
have the prerequisites for scripts properly defined. If you see install
errors during the yum install part of the build, you might want to file

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