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Roy Rankin rrankin at
Mon Dec 22 20:34:02 UTC 2008

inode0 wrote:
> The circle OS Developer conjures up is smaller than the group we are
> trying to describe, but there isn't very much to those descriptions so
> reading more than the big headings isn't asking very much from someone
> who is looking for ways to contribute.

As a relatively new package maintainer, I still have fairly fresh eyes. 
I find the term "OS Developer" miss-leading.

If I am scanning through documentation and I see a heading like "OS 
Developer" which seems to exclude my area of application developer, I 
will tend to skip reading the text(even if it is just 7 lines). However, 
if the title is slightly wider than what I am looking for, such as 
"Developer", then I would read the text to determine if this section is 
applicable to the area I am searching for.


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