Proposed PackageRenaming guideline

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Thu Dec 18 18:07:35 UTC 2008

>>>>> "JS" == Jochen Schmitt <Jochen at> writes:

JS> Hast this was the practice in the past. The disadvance of this
JS> process is the fact, that a re-review takes a long time.

I think you mean "can take a long time".  I have done re-reviews for
renames in an hour because someone asked me to.  Typically a re-review
is much quicker than the initial review.

As discussed on IRC, an important benefit of a re-review is the
insurance that the Obsoletes and Provides are done properly.  It is
easy to get this wrong, so another pair of eyes in the process is a
good idea.

 - J<

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