Head Up: Prepare for dropping fuse group in the nearest future

Alexander Larsson alexl at redhat.com
Wed Feb 6 08:09:24 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-02-05 at 19:10 +0300, Peter Lemenkov wrote:
> Hello All!
> Due to landing of upcoming Gnome release in Fedora 9 I decided to drop
> fuse group.
> The main reason is that future Gnome VFS will use fuse as a backend,
> and we wil be forced to add all users into fuse group (if we allow
> them to use Gnome VFS) what will made the existence of fuse group
> useless..

I'd like to point out that this is not about Gnome VFS, but GVFS which
is the replacement for Gnome VFS. Gnome VFS will still be in gnome and
minimally supported for backwards compatibility.

The way gvfs works is that it runs a single master daemon (gvfsd) that
keeps track of the current gvfs mounts. Each mount is run in a separate
daemon (some mounts share a daemon process, but most don't). Clients
talk to the mounts with a combination of dbus calls (on the session bus
and using peer-to-peer dbus) and a custom protocol for file contents.

If fuse is supported, then the gvfs fuse filesystem will be
automatically mounted on "~/.gvfs". This filesystem will let you access
files on all visible gvfs mounts. If you open a file in nautilus on a
gvfs share with an application that doesn't support uris then it will be
automatically opened via the right ~/.gvfs path instead, allowing both
loading and saveing of the file.

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