default mail client

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Thu Feb 21 12:04:42 UTC 2008

Matej Cepl <mcepl <at>> writes:
> I am not writing down these issue to say, that Evolution or any 
> other GUI MUA is better (actually, kmail doesn't fail on most of 
> these, but then vfolders in Evolution rock, and kmail is also 

KMail will have virtual folders in KDE 4.1 or 4.2 (this is being implemented in 
Akonadi, and what parts of Akonadi will be in 4.1 is not decided yet), so 
chances are that feature will come in Fedora 10 or 11. :-) It will also be very 
powerful, integrating with Nepomuk tagging, so you can tag your mails and 
filter by tags.

> POP3 client learning IMAP — special dIMAP account anyone?), just 

There has been lots of work done on IMAP by the Kolab consortium, so if you 
tried a pre-enterprise KMail, you may want to have a look at 3.5.9 (currently 
in updates-testing, but the kdepim-enterprise snapshot we have in updates is 
almost 3.5.9). Those folks are also working on kdepim 4.1 (and actually, in KDE 
4 kdepimlibs, IMAP support came first, POP support has been added only 

And by the way, KMail can import mail from Evolution. :-) (It's probably the 
client with the most import filters.)

        Kevin Kofler

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