request: can somebody please port googleearth-package to fedora?

Douglas McClendon dmc.fedora at
Thu Feb 7 00:50:18 UTC 2008

Christopher Brown wrote:
> On 07/02/2008, Douglas McClendon <dmc.fedora at> wrote:
>> I've been meaning to do this myself for a long time, but I've just got a
>> lot of other higher priorities.  I don't suppose I could implore someone
>> else into doing the work for me?  Shouldn't be real hard.
>> Wouldn't it be cool to be able to append a teeny little kickstart
>> postscript, and then end up with a livecd or system that has GE
>> installed for all users?
> It doesn't have an open source license so can't be included in Fedora
> of course. Which makes it OT for this list IMO.

I suspect this is a point you understand, but for the sake of clarity 
I'll highlight-

The "googleearth-package" package/.deb/[theoretical .rpm], absolutely 
DOES have an open source license.

What the _tool_ that it _provides_, does, is to generate a 
non-open-source rpm from a simple commandline invocation and network access.

Please, it's fine if you don't want to be the one to do this, but from a 
legal and open-source perspective, I think that 
googleearth-package*.[s]rpm belongs in fedora just as much as the 
current .deb belongs in debian.


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