Another selinux rant

Matej Cepl mcepl at
Fri Jan 4 21:26:16 UTC 2008

On 2008-01-03, 21:29 GMT, Ed Swierk wrote:
> For me learning SELinux seems as pointless as trying to 
> remember iptables commands, or AFS trivia back when I was 
> a student--all cause me trouble just infrequently enough to 
> ensure I have to relearn them from scratch every time. If 
> I were a full-time sysadmin of course it would be a different 
> story, but I really don't have the brain cycles to remember 
> anything more complicated than chmod and chown, and I suspect 
> a large number of accidental sysadmins feel the same.

When introducing SELinux on computer where it wasn't before, it 
is mandatory to

touch /.autorelabel


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