Another selinux rant

Steve Grubb sgrubb at
Fri Jan 4 18:01:49 UTC 2008

On Friday 04 January 2008 12:24:24 James Antill wrote:
> > Is there some reason why storing extended attributes by default would
> > be undesirable? I normally expect tar to carry all relevant metadata
> > with it; that's sort of the point of using tar.
>  Well we didn't want to do this until the patch for xattrs/ACLs/SELinux
> is upstream as it changes the default tar format and GNU tars without
> the patch will display a bunch of annoying warnings.

And furthermore...if you tar a directory up on Fedora 8 and untar it on 
OpenBSD machine...its not going to know what to do with the extended 
attributes for SE Linux. Since open source software is used across many 
platforms, its wasteful to turn it on by default.


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