Init : someone could comment this ?

Enrico Scholz enrico.scholz at
Sun Jan 6 16:47:57 UTC 2008

"Yaakov Nemoy" <loupgaroublond at> writes:

>> An initsystem which requires depbloat like python or perl is completely
>> unacceptably.
> Bash is not depbloat,

Not so much as python, but the current bash initscript *are* bloaty (not
regarding dependencies but for performance and source size[1]).

> but bash + awk + grep + any other userspace tools shows alot of dep
> bloat.

For what do you need this combination of tools?  Ideally, an initsystem
does not need external tools and/or shells (and such systems exist).

> Since python is installed on most machines

We must have different definitions of "most". My one is ">50%" and your
assumption does not hold for my machines:

# LANG=C vrpm --all -- -q python 2>&1 | grep python
python-2.5.1-15.fc8       <<< really needed for 'rdiff-backup'
package python is not installed
package python is not installed
package python is not installed
package python is not installed
python-2.5.1-15.fc8       <<< it's an end-user system
package python is not installed
package python is not installed
python-2.4.4-1.fc6        <<< only due to cracklib dep; fixed in F8
package python is not installed
package python is not installed
python-2.4.4-1.fc6        <<< only due to cracklib dep; fixed in F8
package python is not installed
package python is not installed
package python is not installed
package python is not installed
python-2.5.1-15.fc8       <<< due to broken 'policycoreutils' packaging
package python is not installed
package python is not installed
package python is not installed
package python is not installed
package python is not installed
package python is not installed

> and almost always putting at least some code in shared memory space,
> asking for Python in particular is not unreasonable.  If Casey had
> mentioned Common Lisp, I would argue the same thing.

there is really no need to put in additional languages as 'init'
dependencies.  Plain C completely suffices for this task.



[1]  needing around 100 lines of code for simple tasks like starting and
     stopping daemons is far too much
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