Init : someone could comment this ?

Enrico Scholz enrico.scholz at
Mon Jan 7 09:44:31 UTC 2008

Casey Dahlin <cjdahlin at> writes:

>>> A shell which emulates POSIX process handling in-process and uses
>>> direct builtin function calls for commands like sed [...] Pipes and
>>> the like would also have to be emulated
>> For what do you need 'sed' or pipes to start/stop a daemon?
> It appears at least 13 times in our current init system.

I think, nobody doubts that current initsystem is the worst one of
the major linux distributions.  By changing paradigm from forking to
non-forking daemon you can avoid all the complicated 'stop' code;
e.g. 'start' will be

| pid = fork();
| if (pid==0) { /* ... */ execve(...); }

and 'stop' be

| kill(pid, SIGTERM); /* wait for timeout/sigchld */ kill(pid, SIGKILL);

But python or other bloaty scripting languages are not a solution and
completely unacceptable at this place.


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