Review swaps

Yaakov Nemoy loupgaroublond at
Tue Jan 8 18:27:24 UTC 2008

On 08 Jan 2008 09:51:51 -0600, Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs at> wrote:
> Yes, we on the packaging committee are positiviously ecstaticised by
> pedanticalosity.
> I guess what needs to happen, in the absence of the board persuading
> Red Hat management to allocate a few Java-wizard-hours, is that those
> who know just enough to be dangerous work on a few packages, hammer
> out some potentially dumb guidelines, beg for answers to the tough
> questions from folks who understand them.  And finally, be prepared to
> quite possibly be flamed for making a set of bad guidelines by people
> who might just spend more time composing the flames than they would
> have spent helping us write guidelines they wouldn't have felt the
> need to flame.

I've banged out some bad guidelines for Haskell packaging.  Is there
anyone who wants to help review them, or just plain flame them to


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