Fedora bug triage - workflow proposal

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Tue Jan 15 22:03:17 UTC 2008

Jon Stanley (jonstanley at gmail.com) said: 
> On Jan 15, 2008 4:21 PM, Matthew Saltzman <mjs at clemson.edu> wrote:
> > (I'm usually just a lurker on discussions like this, but I couldn't
> > resist.)
> >
> Got some word on this off-list - it is a non-trivial endeavor to add
> states, it adds nothing to the workflow.  Let's not get into a
> discussion here whereby we're arguing over what color the bike shed
> is...to quote:

I know the story. I still think telling the user their bug is ASSIGNED
when it still may be completely ignored is bad form. The developers are
generally more adaptable than the users filing the bugs - things like
UNCONFIRMED, NEW, ASSIGNED are all easily understandable. ON_QA, ON_DEV
are not. (Also, the prior states are all in *upstream* bugzilla, as opposed
to RH inventions - if we use those, we'll have common states across bugzillas.)


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