Heads-up: brand new RPM version about to hit rawhide

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Wed Jul 16 13:07:52 UTC 2008

Andreas Ericsson <ae <at> op5.se> writes:
> But the URL is not immutable. You wouldn't believe the number of people that
> have come to the git-list to complain about git-svn not properly importing
> svn repositories simply because the layout has changed since the repository
> was first started, or because it was moved one directory up, or some branch
> was deleted after having been used to tag something from. SVN is fragile and
> has no way of canonically naming a commit. URL+Rev doesn't cut it, since
> URL can change (and so can rev, but only in insane cases).

But the old revision will still have the code at the given URL, it will be 
moved or deleted only in the new revision. The only way the URL of a given 
revision can change is if the entire repository moves to somewhere else. Your 
mistake there is that you're treating the URL as the primary key, when actually 
the order to lookup something is:
1. repository
2. revision (only valid in the context of the repository)
3. directory within the repository (only valid for a given revision)
because SVN versions entire repositories with revision IDs, not directories or 

(One thing which confuses this issue is that normally 1 and 3 are given in a 
single URL and 2 separately. SVN will do the right thing and separate the URL 
into repository and directory.)

        Kevin Kofler

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