heads up: new libraw1394 so, stuff needs rebuildin'

Konrad Meyer konrad at tylerc.org
Sat Jul 19 12:35:35 UTC 2008

Quoth drago01:
> On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 12:33 AM, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler at chello.at> 
> > Jarod Wilson <jwilson <at> redhat.com> writes:
> >> Unless someone objects, I'll probably just go ahead and do that this 
> >> rather than busticate rawhide even temporarily.
> >
> > kdebase and kdebase3 have closed ACLs. We'll take care of rebuilding them.
> is there a reason for that? (closed ACLs)

KDE is a major system component and the KDE team (which is something like 6-8 
people) does a very good job of fixing things as soon as they need fixing.

Conrad Meyer <konrad at tylerc.org>
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