livecd-creator unmounting temp image, running daemons.

Phillip Lougher phillip at
Tue Jul 29 00:12:19 UTC 2008

Martin Langhoff <martin.langhoff <at>> writes:

> Well, the squashfs3.3 tarballs from the SF page and from the
> squashfs-lzma site are identical, and the credits page in both mention
> 'lzma patches', though no word of it appears in CHANGES or README. My
> interpretation is that v3.3 incorporates the patches.

Just to clear up any confusion, v3.3 from sourceforge doesn't incorporate the
LZMA patches.  The squashfs3.3 tarballs from sourceforge and
are identical because the tarball on squashfs-lzma is taken unchanged from
sourceforge, there's additional patches on which add LZMA
support.  Obviously the CHANGES and README files don't mention LZMA because v3.3
doesn't use it, the credits file (ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS file) simply acknowledges the
work that has done in providing third-party LZMA support for
those that want it (I don't officially support LZMA compression in Squashfs
because it is not yet officially supported in the vanilla Linux kernel).

> >> But the image still does not boot. Something else in the initrd must
> >> be messing up.
> >
> > What is the message now?
> We no longer see any errors, but init cannot find root, so itdrops me
> to an emergency shell. In there I find nothing interesting in /dev .
> Not even loop devices.

Failing to find root may be because you're still not generating a Squashfs v3.2
compatible filesystem.  The patch you mention elsewhere which adds '-no-sparse'
to mksquashfs, also adds '-b 131072' which will still generate an incompatible
filesystem, the block size must be 64K or less - the patch should be adding
'-no-sparse -b 64k'.

If you see the following error message after the initrd tries to mount root, you
still have an incompatible filesystem.

SQUASHFS error: Major/Minor mismatch, trying to mount newer 3.1 filesystem
SQUASHFS error: Please update your kernel

The filesystem should be version '3.0', you can use file or unsquashfs -stat on
the Squashfs filesystem to check the version.


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