"Fedora Project summary and awards" - end of RedHat support?

Valent Turkovic valent.turkovic at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 06:52:21 UTC 2008

I read a really disturbing message on local news group. One person has
posted a question why is RedHat stopping support for Fedora Project.
He clamis that he read that on RedHat press [1] page. That page is 404
now, but he swears that it was up. The summary was that RedHat is
stopping support for Fedora Project after Fedora 10 and that it is
giving awards for best contributers. I know that there is no page
there now, but still I had to ask if anybody knows anything. Is this
just FUD?


[1] http://www.press.redhat.com/2008/06/06/fedora-project-summary-and-awards
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