few ideas how to make fedora better as a desktop

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Wed Mar 26 18:16:56 UTC 2008

Jonathan Underwood (jonathan.underwood at gmail.com) said: 
> > To do a full /sbin -> /bin migration, you'd need to:
> >
> >  1) Rebuild all packages to change paths
> >  2) Maintain a list of things that are commonly referenced by third-party/local
> >  scripts by path
> >  3) Build a package that provides those symlinks
> Doesn't step 3 render step 2 redundant?

If you want to provide *everything* as a symlink, I suppose. Gets
rather gross rather fast.

> >  I fail to see how this is more efficient than just modifying $PATH. (Actually
> >  I fail to see what horribly necessary commands are causing this to be a
> >  big issue, but that's beside the point.)
> >
> >  You can't just symlink /sbin to /bin, because that will blow up RPM
> >  very badly.
> Why's that? 

rpm lays files down in a simple repeatable fashion, for any path /foo/bar/baz:

- write to /foo/bar/baz.$tempname
- rename("/foo/bar/baz.$tempname", "/foo/bar/baz")

This ensures that the path is updated to the new file atomically, which you really
really want.

What happens when /foo/bar/baz is a populated directory is left as an exercise
for the user.

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