Access to x86_64 Fedora machine

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Tue Mar 11 04:52:42 UTC 2008

On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 13:46:47 +0900
mtasaka at (Mamoru Tasaka) wrote:

> Hello.
> Recently I received several bugs related to the packages I maintain.
> However none of them happen on my i386 machine and it seems that
> those issues happen on 64 bit machine.
> I would appreciate it if someone would allow me to access 64 bit
> machine to debug the issue reporters tell me.

I have a standing offer to allow such access to anyone in the cvsextras
group here. 

Can you send me: 

your ssh key. 
your preferred username/login. 

I will be happy to set you up an account with mock privs. 

> Regards,
> Mamoru Tasaka <mtasaka at>


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