What ever happened to "Stateless Linux"?

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Thu May 22 18:52:52 UTC 2008

Phil Regier (pregier at ittc.ku.edu) said: 
> It would appear that the guides which popped up at the time of the FC6-FC7 
> transition have gone more or less defunct since then:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/StatelessLinux
> It would also seem that the URLs referenced by the above under
> http://people.redhat.com/~law/
> have not been updated since FC7.  What is the current stated of Stateless 
> development under Fedora and related distributions?  Have the specialized 
> tools been deprecated with no replacement, or are there new tools to fill 
> any possible gaps?

We have readonly-root support, for local filesystems, NFS, and iSCSI.
For things like management and deployment, there are tools like cobbler
and puppet, but there's not a specific integrated infrastructure.


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