rsyslog errors on rawhide

Mike Chambers mike at
Mon Oct 6 13:33:19 UTC 2008

I keep seeing the below error when anacron is running..


Invalid syslog format string in /var/log/secure: rsyslogd:  [origin
software="rsyslogd" swVersion="3.21.3" x-pid="1779"
x-info=""] exiting on signal 15.

Invalid syslog format string in /var/log/secure: rsyslogd:  [origin
software="rsyslogd" swVersion="3.21.3" x-pid="1774"
x-info=""] restart

I see the error a couple of times in my /var/log/secure file.

Mike Chambers
Fedora Project - Ambassador, Bug Zapper, Tester, User, etc..
mikec302 at

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