Reasons to preseve X on tty7

Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski dominik at
Wed Oct 29 13:52:52 UTC 2008

On Wednesday, 29 October 2008 at 13:42, Anders Karlsson wrote:
> * Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski <dominik at> [20081029 12:38]:
> > 
> > Well, the community is saying that reason is not good enough.
> > I think it's fair to ask the package maintainer to reconsider.
> > Making changes that break years-long traditional behaviour
> > without community consultation is arrogant at best.
> Breaking with tradition created things like OS-X (which fwiw is what
> any sane desktop out there today is trying to emulate).

Oh, spare me that. It's utterly unfriendly to me. The interface is
inconvenient and and filled with useless annoying visual effects,
and the dialog boxes are a maze. I don't want my desktop to look
or behave like Mac OS X.

> Doing something because "it's always been done like that" is a really
> bad reason. Doing something on technical merit and changing when a
> better way to do something is found is what I think should be done.

Current solution is inconsistent with itself, so it doesn't just
change on which tty X is running, it makes it dependent on how you
start your X session (not to mention starting a second X session).

> Which tty you run X on I don't really care, as I think the end goal
> should be to ditch X and do what OS-X did.

You're thinking in single-seat single-user desktop terms again. When
Fedora goals stop including multi-purposefulness and start saying
"OS for the desktop" then I'll sadly say my farewells, but for now,
stop treating us like second class citizens here and pushing your
limited use-case at all cost.

> The biggest innovations happened by not following the sheep.

Oh, so now we're the sheep? Nice argumentation level.


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