Seeking New Maintainers: viaideinfo, pidgin-libnotify

Peter Gordon peter at
Thu Oct 30 06:59:45 UTC 2008

Hi, all.

I am in need of new loving owners for both of these packages, which are
low-maintenance, having seen little to no recent upstream activity. 

I have not orphaned them in PkgDB yet as I feel it is very unfair to the
community to simply drop my maintainership of these packages on the
verge of a new GA release cycle. So, for the near future I will happily
continue caring for them as best I can; but due to lack of appropriate
hardware and interest, respectively, I will likely be unable to properly
resolve any bugs or issues that arise in them.


viaideinfo [1,2] is a small piece of software created by Gentoo/kernel
developer Daniel Drake, which supersedes the functionality provided
by /proc/ide/via in older VIA IDE driver code and keeps it in userspace.
However, with the recent failure and replacement of my mother's desktop
machine, I no longer have any hardware with VIA chipsets in it.

Even though it has seen only very minor up- and downstream activity
recently, I feel that as a hardware-specific tool, it would be best
served by a maintainer who actually has the hardware in question so that
it can properly be tested/debugged as necessary.



pidgin-libnotify [3,4] is plugin for Pidgin (formerly Gaim) which shows
configurable notifications for various actions (such as buddies signing
on or off, someone saying your name in a chat, etc.). 

Since its initial packaging in December of 2006, its only major upstream
update has been for the Gaim --> Pidgin name change. Also, starting in
August of last year, I became the primary maintainer of Empathy and have
since been a strong proponent of the Telepathy stack, and a member of
the Fedora Telepathy SIG [5]. As someone who longer uses Pidgin (and
thus, this libnotify plugin), I feel it would be best served by a new
maintainer who actively uses it and is interested in its further

Thanks, and Regards.
Peter Gordon (codergeek42)
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