xen kernel with dom0 in Fedora 10?

James Ralston qralston+ml.redhat-fedora-devel at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Oct 7 16:27:22 UTC 2008

On 2008-10-03 at 20:38+01 Daniel P Berrange <berrange at redhat.com> wrote:

> [Turning a physical network interface into a bridge] is trival from
> an implementation POV.

True--once you know you need to do so.

> I accept it is badly documented though, hence why we created that
> wiki page.

I think it would be very helpful if the "Connect to host network"
configuration screen in virt-manager mentioned this, though.  E.g.,
instead of this:

    Tip: Choose this option if your host is statically connected to
    wired ethernet, to gain the ability to migrate the virtual system.

It said this:

    Tip: Choose this option if your host is statically connected to
    wired ethernet, to gain the ability to migrate the virtual system.
    (To share a physical device, configure it as a bridge.)

Unless I hear objections, I'll BZ this against virt-manager.

> There's two different audiences really - people who are serious
> server administrators used to setting up crazy stuff like bonding,
> vlans, bridging.

Agreed.  But I think it could be a lot more obvious (even to seasoned
system administrators) that the shared physical device must be a

> The long term goal is that network manager should be addressing
> their needs.  We don't want to implement bridging control APIs in
> libvirt, because that's just a short term hack - when people should
> really be focused on making NetworkManager better

Agreed; that seems to be a reasonable position.

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