[Fwd: Wikipidia - Goodbye Red Hat and Fedora]

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Sun Oct 12 21:38:45 UTC 2008

Les Mikesell <lesmikesell <at> gmail.com> writes:
> Again, that seems like bad planning.  Wasn't that predictable?

It was predictable, but not avoidable.

> But, there are people who claim to have don't successful upgrades from FC6 to 
> RHEL/Centos.
(I assume you mean "have done", not "have don't" which makes no sense.)

There are people who *claim* many things, I doubt their claims make sense, 
because really the first (and likely the last) RHEL which FC6 will have even 
the slightest chance of safely upgrading to will be RHEL 6. And that will be an 
upgrade skipping many Fedora releases and thus really bumpy. And at that point 
you'll have had a support hole of somewhere around 2 years!

Going from FC6 to RHEL 5 is essentially a downgrade, especially so if you got 
the numerous upgrades which went out after the FC6 release (if you never 
updated anything, not even security stuff, then you might have more success, 
but Fedora security upgrades are often new versions, RHEL security upgrades are 
usually backports) and the infrastructure doesn't support downgrades at all, 
neither Anaconda nor YUM support them.

        Kevin Kofler

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