NetworkworkManger and network based filesystem /usr

Bill Nottingham notting at
Fri Sep 12 18:51:49 UTC 2008

Hans de Goede (j.w.r.degoede at said: 
> Thats a cool trick, can we teach NM to start iscsi too and do that (and 
> let it complete) before it starts netfs?

I'm not sure why we couldn't off the top of my head.

> That would be nicer then my current dbus-send get NM status and sleep 
> while not connected loop in bash.
> Although I wonder if this (delaying netfs start until NM is done) is a 
> good solution, what if some later service which needs one of the dirs 
> mounted by netfs gets started before NM is done configuring the 
> interfaces?

What happens to that service if the network cable happens to be down
during boot? Services, in general, need to be smarter. If absolutely
necessary, they can set NETWORKWAIT in /etc/sysconfig/network.

>> Having network /usr and non-network  / isn't really practical long term.
>> I'm all for not supporting it.
> What about having both network based, but not the same fs, so say 2 
> separate nfs exports one for / and one for /usr, that situation will run 
> into similar problems, initrd will do some hackish setup of the network 
> to get the rootfs, but won't mount other network based fs and netfs will 
> not run untill NM is done, so we once more have a catch 22.

It's just not a practical setup, IMO.


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