How important is comps.xml to us these days? Which packages should be in comps.xml and which not?

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Sat Sep 20 20:00:51 UTC 2008

Rahul Sundaram <sundaram <at>> writes:
> PackageKit does use it via the yum backend.

Note that this is only from 0.3.3 on. The 0.2.x version currently in Fedora 9 
(and the 0.1.x version in F9 GA) just hardcode the categories, which is IMHO a 
bug (or "missing feature" if you prefer) in PackageKit, so I'm glad this got 
fixed now. For example, the hardcoded category for KDE was missing some of the 
stuff we list for KDE in comps, and some categories were missing entirely (e.g. 
KDE Software Development).

        Kevin Kofler

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