Mono 2.0 in F10

Tom "spot" Callaway tcallawa at
Mon Sep 22 17:20:35 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-09-21 at 17:41 +0100, Paul wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been informed that Mono 2.0 RC3 is due out next week (RC3 is going
> to be the actual release from what I've been told).
> If it is out next week, can we get it pushed for inclusion into F10 (it
> is mostly bug fixes over the version currently in rawhide, so testing
> will need to be minimal)? It will mean that when F10 is released, it
> will have something that not even OpenSuSE will have, the proper Mono
> 2.0 in - a big bonus for us!

As long as you keep that silverlight/moonlight stuff disabled, I see no
problems here.


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