make force-tag gone

Michael Schwendt mschwendt at
Sun Sep 14 12:23:39 UTC 2008

On Sun, 14 Sep 2008 12:35:32 +0200, drago01 wrote:

> Was away for one week and now make force-tag no longer works....
> Why do we need to bump the release and changelog for every small
> change? ex: typo?
> This makes the changelog useless to read and fills the users
> rpmdb/disk with crap entries "forgot to add a patch"; "fix a typo",
> etc.

No need to add a changelog for typo fixes and such.
It is ridiculous to fill the changelog with irrelevant data.

The requirement that package EVR is added to every changelog
entry is questionable in such cases, too.

> +1 for adding it back.
> Just removing stuff does not solve problems you have to implement a
> better alternative first (and not rely on a worse one).

I've never used the force-tag option, but "TAG_OPTS=-F make tag"
a few times for "lame commits" where I forgot to add a file or
made a typo. It TAG_OPTS will be blocked, too, I don't care. It's
fine with me to simply bump release. But I won't add a completely
new changelog entry for minor fixes in unreleased revisions.

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