How important is comps.xml to us these days? Which packages should be in comps.xml and which not?

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Tue Sep 23 07:45:37 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-09-22 at 20:49 +0000, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> But those "tons of comps groups" need to be shown! For example
> PackageKit isn't showing the KDE Software Development group at all. We
> need that group shown (and as a group, not a metapackage).

You think we NEED a "KDE Software Development group". PackageKit is not
designed for you. Can you explain how having fine grained groups would
help people like: ?

PackageKit is not designed for the sort of users who are comfortable
using yum on the command line. PackageKit doesn't replace yum, it's just
complimentary. If we designed PK as a "suitable for any user" tool then
it would be suitable for no-one. Hence the need for a profiles page.



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