My first DontZap use case while testing F11 beta

Paul Wouters paul at
Wed Apr 15 20:27:11 UTC 2009

On Wed, 15 Apr 2009, Adam Williamson wrote:

> Haha :) No, it's just that, as far as I can see, the impact on newbies
> is that we tell them to reboot instead of doing ctrl-alt-backspace.
> Total cost: about twenty seconds (time to reboot vs. time to restart X).

Oh. it is a secret project to test data loss for ext4!

> Killing X kills all X apps in any case, so they're not going to lose any
> data rebooting that they wouldn't have lost anyway by doing
> ctrl-alt-backspace.

UNEXPECTED FILE INCONSISTENTY, please run fsck manually

We'll see if the newbies can find /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 as their
disk and see if the figure out the "-y" option in time for F12 :)

ps. This is slightly less of a joke. It's the real difference of having or
not having ctlr-alt-bksp (or alt-sysrq-o, or was it alt-sysrq-r? and did I
have to wait for it to print 'OK' before hitting alt-sysrq-b again? oh wait
sysctl.conf had this disabled.)

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