Deprecation of LAM/MPI?

Patrice Dumas pertusus at
Tue Dec 8 16:12:13 UTC 2009

On Tue, Dec 08, 2009 at 10:44:14AM -0500, Doug Ledford wrote:
> There has been no public response to this, and Jussi has indicated in
> the referenced bugzilla that at least one former lam board member is
> advocating for the package's removal.  The current plan is to block lam
> from rawhide.  If someone decides later that they wish to take over
> ownership of lam, then we can always unblock it.  However, this does
> mean that the few lam using packages out there will need to be rebuilt
> to remove their lam subpackages and dependency.

I doubt lam users are on this list: lam users are certainly users who 
favor stability over change, and are likely not to be that much interested
in fedora, and even less in fedora development. 

If I still used fedora, I would have liked to have lam kept in fedora, but 
I don't use fedora anymore. In the end it really depend how much you want
to keep/attract users interested in stability versus the cost of maintaining
software for those users given that fedora is unlikely to be in their 
distributions of choice.


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