packages requiring me to reboot...

Frank Murphy (Frankly3D) frankly3d at
Tue Dec 15 17:41:27 UTC 2009

On 15/12/09 16:50, Nathanael D. Noblet wrote:
> Hello,
>   I feel like there are an increasing number of packages requiring a
> system reboot. I'm wondering why. The following updates were installed
> today, and required a full system reboot. I can't seem to find any
> package in the list that I can conceivably see requiring a reboot, is it
> that PK doesn't have the concept of X logout vs reboot? Is it a bug in
> the packaging or PK or is there anything I can do/file to improve the
> situation?

I just update, ignore the "restart".
Shut-down going to bed.

Or keep the updates,
till bedtime.


Frank Murphy
UTF_8 Encoded.

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