Fedora Release Notes

ryan lerch ryanlerch at gmail.com
Mon Feb 2 01:10:17 UTC 2009

Over at fedora-docs, there is ongoing discussion on the scope of the
release notes. At present, the release notes have evolved from a
document containing the relevant new features and important bug-fixes
into a document containing those items as well as an assortment of
extra basic documentation and howtos. For example, take the "Live
Image" section in the f10 notes [1], this is basically a brief
overview on Live Images (which were not a new feature in f10.)

The fedora-docs project would like to get the input from the
developers on the release notes. Should we restrict the release notes
to being a document of the new and exciting features in the newest
release, and move the older, not so fresh documentation into the
relevant guides (such as the install guide)?

Any other suggestions on the possible scope and direction of the
release notes are appreciated also!

ryanlerch at fedoraproject.org

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs/Beats/Live

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