RFC: Disabling blinking cursor by default

Miloslav Trmač mitr at volny.cz
Tue Feb 3 15:50:10 UTC 2009

Andrew Haley píše v Út 03. 02. 2009 v 15:15 +0000:
> Mathieu Bridon (bochecha) wrote:
> >> The only
> >> people benefiting from it is the ones doing mental calculations about
> >> trees saved. That's a tiny minority.
> > 
> > Actually, I would say that basically everyone benefits from any power
> > savings, no matter how small they are (you know, reducing our energy
> > consumption, saving the planet, all of that...)
> It's even simpler than that: efficiency is a fundamental measure in all
> engineering.  More efficiency is always better, regardless of planets,
> energy crises, and so on.
Meeting requirements is more important than efficiency.  Given a task,
engineers focus on performing it efficiently, but they are not always at
liberty to work on a different task just because it can be performed
more efficiently.

(Forced labor >16 hours a day is an efficient way use a fixed amount of
people to perform some tasks, but we are not building labor camps just
because it is efficient.)

In this case, "blinking cursor" is a requirement of some users, not an
internal detail of the implementation that can be changed at will if it
improves efficiency.

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