Fedora tested in c't: grub missing feature

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 16:57:16 UTC 2009

2009/2/5 Christoph Höger <choeger at cs.tu-berlin.de>:
> That _was_ the original idea. And my answer to the remaining question of
> "who" was: somebody who is interested in that matter _and_ is going to
> talk as a fedora representative. Ideally I would suggest to discuss this
> matter at a conference like FOSDEM to get a audience for that.
> (This works for way more complicated stuff - so why not for that grub
> thing?)

Why do we need something to officially represent Fedora? If your
interested..start a cross distribution discussion now. There is a
mailinglist for cross distribution discussion at freedesktop.org.
Talking about it at conferences is great and all, but its not the only
mechanism.  http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/distributions
  Having a long drawn out Fedora-centric discussion on implementation
details is a waste of time.

If everyone has come to the point where they agree that it can't be
sanely done without getting cross-distribution consensus to build a
new metadata construct that we currently do not have..then its time to
stop talking here..and start talking in a distribution neutral space
and worth other the implementation details there.


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