Creating fresh fedora discs outside of Fedora itself

Jud Craft craftjml at
Sun Feb 8 00:23:02 UTC 2009

Hello there!  Straight to business:  it would be amazing if I could
automatically build a fedora disc that has all the latest patches.
Fedora Unity doesn't have a new F10-spin out yet, but it's been a few
months since F10 release, and I'd really prefer to be updated from the

But, I don't have Fedora installed on my computer.  Is there any way
to it, for a casual user, from Windows?

I understand I should have to use some of the Fedora (Platform?  not
sure of the correct infrastructure term here)'s tools, because I think
they have stuff that helps build new spins.  Revisor is one thing I've
heard of, and it sounds great -- but it's a Fedora-only tool. :)

Is there something else I could do?  Like, say, get a jidgo file for
the F10 DVD, but point the jidgo to a current updates repository, so
it would only grab the latest version of packages?  (I have no idea if
this idea even makes sense -- jigdo's may not allow different sources
of files, or they may only allow a fixed-version specified in the file
-- I'm just guessing here).

If anyone knows of a relatively easy way to do it -- command line
tools in Windows would be okay with me -- it would be fantastic.  (I'd
define "relatively easy" as "I can have it going in fifteen minutes,
and then go make some dinner while it builds the image on its own").
I'd just like a clue on where to start, if possible.

If not, I guess I'll just bite the bullet and download the stock
image, or wait for Unity.  But I was curious.

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