Ready for new RPM version?

seth vidal skvidal at
Sat Feb 28 02:02:51 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 14:32 -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:

> Email breaking is rather unlikely. I don't think there's many people
> left who keep all their actual email in a single client and cross their
> fingers that it won't break.

Wrong. I use evolution, a lot. I recently had to setup pine as a backup
b/c evo was completely broken for a good portion of the run up to f10.

> How often does Rawhide really fail to boot? I mean, really? So bad that
> you can't fix it with a single kernel parameter or booting last week's
> kernel or something? This is part of the reputation inflation thing I'm
> wondering about. It just doesn't match my experience of dev branches.

I'm confused.

In your first message you were saying that rawhide is worse than all
other distro's development branches. Now you're saying rawhide isn't
that bad at all?


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