Fedora Project, give me 20 Million Euros or Free EDA software

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh.goorah at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 23:03:11 UTC 2009

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 11:14 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> If Fedora wants to ship
> tools to integrate such repositories more closely with Fedora, or to
> contribute to building such a repository, I would support that effort, but I
> don't think it should be done in the same repository as our software.

The question is who defines your "our software" ?
I consider OVM as an expensive Intellectual Property recently freed
both in terms of cost and license. It is a software that can help the
designer spending 11983€ (which I spent out of my pocket) when his/her
chips failed testing.

Your definition of "our software" excluding OVM doesn't give the user
the assurance in his/her design's signoff and neither in knowledge
sharing that can also be used in both design and design tools.

If your "our software" undergoes an segmentation fault, you don't lose
money spent in hardware, but is the EDA tools give wrong results, you
will lose that money.

I don't think one can define "our software".

Kind regards,

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