Changing name of ISO checksum file

Miloslav Trmač mitr at
Thu Feb 5 14:43:43 UTC 2009

Douglas E. Warner píše v Čt 05. 02. 2009 v 09:08 -0500:
> On 02/05/2009 Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski wrote:
> I agree that it's nice to have them named differently, but for users trying to
> checksum the ISOs just after downloading it's much easier for us to say, "Run
> sha256sum -c ISO-SUMS" rather than, "Do an 'ls *.sha*' and run either sha1sum
> or sha256sum on these files".
This works:
    sha256sum -c *.ISO-SUMS
But you would still have to verify each GPG signature individually, gpg
does not accept more than one signature per invocation.

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