Fedora 11 Release Notes Update

Tim Niemueller tim at niemueller.de
Tue Feb 10 09:12:45 UTC 2009

ryan lerch schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I have finished creating a mockup of the fedora 11 release notes [1]

Design looks good, but...

- Credit is good, but having the first HTML page only authors is a bit
much, then the legal notice and an abstract which tells you nothing that
you wouldn't know from the title...
- I'm missing a section that gives the really important stuff at a
glance. I'm often inclined to use external sources (journals, websites)
on a release to see the most important (and visible) new stuff.

In short I'd like the first page to be a very rough overview of the
top-five or so new features and most noticeable changes (before any TOC,
abstract, legal notice), short, precise, and to the point.

My two cents,

    Tim Niemueller <tim at niemueller.de>      www.niemueller.de
 Imagination is more important than knowledge. (Albert Einstein)

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