Mass build failure, font sub-package issue

Mamoru Tasaka mtasaka at
Wed Feb 25 08:56:08 UTC 2009

Roy Rankin wrote, at 02/25/2009 05:22 PM +9:00:
> The mass build of one of my packages denemo returned a state of failed.
> In fact all builds were successful, but the font sub-package seems to 
> have failed registration in some database. The message is as follows:
>  pg.DatabaseError: error 'ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique 
> constraint "rpminfo_unique_nvra"
> ' in 'INSERT INTO rpminfo (id,name,version,release,epoch,
>             build_id,arch,buildtime,buildroot_id,
>             external_repo_id,
>             size,payloadhash)
>     VALUES (1029749,'denemo-music-fonts','4.10','1.fc11',NULL,
>             85033,'ppc',1235475226,360846,
>             0,
>             30525,'27dfe803f57d46e4487375d3a0c68bf6')
>     '
> My understanding is that the main reasons for the new requirement that 
> fonts be in a separate package were better license visibility, better 
> sharing of fonts, and to save the user from downloading stable fonts 
> just because the code changes. And in my case, as the font is in the 
> source tar ball a sub-package is indicated.
> I gave the font sub-package its own version so code changes would not 
> require installing a new font package, and this "protects" the version 
> number from rpmdev-bumpspec. However, It looks like doing this is not 
> consistent with the Fedora build system.
> Is there a way to achieve what I want that will work?

I think this should not be done.
My recognition is that all binary packages rebuilt from one srpm
must have the same EVR (Epoch-Version-Release) except for perl,
texlive, and so on.


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