vim syntax file packaging

Nikolay Vladimirov nikolay at
Thu Jan 1 16:56:45 UTC 2009


I was wondering if there is a proper way of packaging vim syntax
When I did ' yum whatprovides \*.vim ' I saw 4 ways of doing this:

1) Add the files to /usr/share/vim/vim71/ftdetect/ and
/usr/share/vim/vim71/ftplugin/. One package even provides a 
subpackage only for the vim syntax. I think this is done because the
subpackage can require vim. which is reasonable if you install a vim
syntax file.  
2) Add them in /usr/share/doc/packagename
3) Add them in /usr/share/packagename
4) Distributed with vim-common

So is there a guideline I missed? 
Is it for the packager to decide?
It's good to have at least some 'best practice' note about this. 

Best Regards,
Nikolay Vladimirov
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