sound problems

Christopher Stone chris.stone at
Tue Jan 6 03:39:55 UTC 2009

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 7:04 PM, Jeff Spaleta <jspaleta at> wrote:
> And more to the point, there are many public 3rd party repositories
> out there which conflict to varying degrees with the official Fedora
> repositories.   Do you plan to ridicule each and every contributor who
> runs a 3rd party repo on the side which conflicts? Any Fedora
> contributor which chooses to run a repository on the side is their
> choice and its a users choice to mix and match repositories or not.

Amazingly, ATrpms is so bad, that it is the only repository I recall
hearing people constantly complain about on IRC.  I only plan to
ridicule those 3rd party repositories which actually cause problems
for Fedora users and do more harm than good, and no effort is made to
fix problems in the repository.  ATrpms is the only 3rd party repo I
am aware of which meet all of these criteria.

As a board member or ambassador or whatever you are, you should do
everything in your power to make sure that Fedora users are well aware
of the dangers of using ATrpms, and are well aware that Axel Thimm has
no intentions of fixing any bugs which may cause a broken Fedora
system.  As I recall, I posted over one hundred bugs over a year ago
and not a single one has been touched by Axel.

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