Futuer of grub/grub2 to F11

Casey Dahlin cdahlin at redhat.com
Wed Jan 7 00:29:55 UTC 2009

Ralf Ertzinger wrote:
> Hi.
> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 15:49:20 -0500, Casey Dahlin wrote
>> I haven't looked at the code for grub2 myself, but most of the people
>> I talk to that have cringe when they mention it. The people I talk to
>> tend to be heavily involved in the boot process. As a piece of
>> software engineering, it hasn't earned many fans among those most
>> concerned with the change as far as I can tell.
> Having looked at the code for GRUB(1) in order to figure out how to
> properly boot Solaris I can't say that it makes me happy, either.
> Is there such a thing as a bootloader that has nice and easy
> to read code?
Probably not. Hacks are pretty much part of the job (this is where we 
keep our chickens and eggs).


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