Too many unowned directories

David Timms dtimms at
Sat Jan 31 14:14:42 UTC 2009

Jesse Keating wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-01-30 at 21:26 +0000, Miloslav Trmač wrote:
>> Jesse Keating píše v Pá 30. 01. 2009 v 13:22 -0800:
>>> Why not fail the build if unowned directories are found, just like we do
>>> for unowned files?  That way you catch it at build time before you try
>>> and do something useful with the build.
>> How do we determine which directory is unowned and which is provided by
>> a dependency?  If we don't, every package would have to own /usr.
>> 	Mirek
> Good point, since we don't install the Requires at the same time we're
> installing the BuildRequires to do the build that would be harder.
But not for a computer ;)

Would there not be a post-build or pre-publish prcess that could be used 
to determine whether things like this are correct, and return a 'build 
is not publishable' error to the maintainer. Sort of like mock but for 
the install ?

I'm guessing that is how Michaels tests work; could they become part of 
the infrastructure ?

BTW, is it generally config dirs where the unowned dirs are found ?


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