Too many unowned directories

Michael Schwendt mschwendt at
Sat Jan 31 19:12:03 UTC 2009

On Sat, 31 Jan 2009 10:32:24 -0800, Jesse wrote:

> >  One more reason why packagers ought to become familiar with their
> > %files lists. ;)
> The files a package owns are one thing, the files another package has
> placed there, or a user process has placed there, or just the user
> themselves have placed there are a different more difficult matter.

Sure, but the important thing here is to notice that a directory is
turnt into a symlink. Once noticed, packager can think twice and
reconsider. Changing all relevant programs to access the link target
path directly would be one possible solution.

%files lists which are overloaded with macros and recursively included
trees aren't readable and require packagers to use "rpm -qlv" (or rpmls)
to examine packages and understand the contents of a package.

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