No Frozen Rawhide

Jarod Wilson jarod at
Wed Jul 22 21:37:18 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 22 July 2009 14:14:32 Jesse Keating wrote:
> > > Churn on the mirror configs and the repo files,
> > 
> > That much sort of sucks, yeah, but meh. We change it at least once
> > anyway though, going from rawhide to release, so is one more change
> > here a huge undertaking? (I ask because have no idea)
> Well every change has potential to break users who have had to do some
> customization, and it hurts 3rd party repo setups.  It'd be nice to
> install a repo config at Alpha and have the paths used remain useful and
> valid through the entire release.  Would make it easier to attract users
> at Alpha/Beta and not suddenly drop them off the face or drag them into
> the next rawhide.
> > Of course, most mirrors are auto-updating via rsync, so perhaps that
> > doesn't translate particularly well... But it would also make it easier
> > for mirror admins who don't want to mirror anything but the actual
> > released releases.
> Yeah, sucks for mirrors.  If you don't do hardlinks for a while first,
> they'd have to re-sync the entire pile of packages.  And if you're going
> to do the hardlink dance, might as well use the base location first.
> Most of our mirrors tend to use the fedora-enchilada path so we're not
> likely to break too many expectations by having something in releases/
> change, any more than by having something in releases/test/ change.
> This is why we'll set the expectation of the release on having the
> Fedora/ path show up.  Since that's really what signifies the release,
> having gpg signed checksummed isos show up, and torrents getting turned
> on, etc..
> There will have to be some expectation changes, but really the kind of
> people digging at raw mirror paths are going to be the kind of people
> that can adjust their expectations.

All good points... Okay, I think I've been sufficiently convinced that
dropping the bits into /pub/fedora/linux/releases/ is just fine after
all. Thank you for the enlightenment. ;)

Jarod Wilson
jarod at

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