Action requested: check dist tags and conditionals

Jeremy Sanders jeremy at
Thu Jun 4 21:56:27 UTC 2009

Bill Nottingham wrote:

> - If you're using open ended conditionals such as:
> %if 0%{?fedora} > 9
>   make sure you keep in mind what will happen if %{fedora} isn't defined,
>   such as in the case of a derivative distribution.
> - If you're building for EPEL from a unified Fedora spec file, and have
>   separate %{fedora} and %{rhel} sections, make sure they do the right
>   things for any potential new releases, not just %{rhel} = 4 or %{rhel} =
>   5.

Can someone suggest how I should do this? I'm not sure who put this in my 
spec file!

# for eggs
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 8
BuildRequires:  python-setuptools-devel
BuildRequires:  python-setuptools

Is it safe to drop the conditional now and always expect python-setup-devel 
to be there?



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