yum 3.2.23 more than 10x slower than 3.2.21?!

Roberto Ragusa mail at robertoragusa.it
Fri Jun 26 15:09:57 UTC 2009

Seth Vidal wrote:
> run:
> time yum -d 3 --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=ROB10\*  \
>            --enablerepo=updates  list updates | grep 'time:'
> and post that output.

Just pasted something similar in another mail, where the time is 1:30
as there are more repositories enabled than in this test.
Anyway this is it:

# time yum -d 3 --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=ROB10\*  \
>            --enablerepo=updates  list updates | grep 'time:'
Config time: 0.205
repo time: 0.001
pkgsack time: 58.515
rpmdb time: 0.004
up:Obs Init time: 0.143
up:simple updates time: 0.156
up:obs time: 0.008
up:condense time: 0.000
updates time: 1.067

real    1m0.595s
user    0m57.970s
sys     0m0.519s

   Roberto Ragusa    mail at robertoragusa.it

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