System Config Tools Cleanup Project - tools to eliminate/replace

Bill Nottingham notting at
Tue Mar 24 17:04:24 UTC 2009

Jaroslav Reznik (jreznik at said: 
> * system-config-netboot
>   - very outdated
>   - replacements k12linux, cobbler

Yes, this needs to die.

> * system-config-display
>   - xrandr should be used for resolution/dualhead configuration, Gnome & KDE 
> have 
>     own xrandr based display configuration tool
>   - generates xorg.conf - it's not needed anymore (only if someone needs 
>     more expert configuration)  

This is already not in the default install.

> * system-config-network
>   - replacement NetworkManager
>   - missing IPv6? routing?

Which are you referring to 'missing' features in this case?

> * switchdesk and system-switch-tools?
>   - it's possible to switch desktop in GDM/KDM
>   - one tool for switching all alternatives?

Yes, I'm not sure why this still is around.


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